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Mostrando las entradas de septiembre, 2011

La RAE contra, o la máquina de hacer dinero del Grupo Planeta

Que la Real Academia Española es una institución ya no sólo al servicio de la codificación de la lengua del imperio, sino al servicio de intereses mercantiles de empresas transnacionales españolas no es una noticia que vaya a tomar por sorpresa a nadie que lleve un tiempo siguiendo este blog. Pero debemos reconocer que, en este empeño, se perfecciona día a día, con performances que ni el más alocado delirio podría vaticinar. Enlace: La RAE contra, o la máquina de hacer dinero del Grupo Planeta

El Cosmonauta [Corto]

THE COSMONAUT from Vinegar Hill on Vimeo . The Cosmonaut es un corto dirigido por David Altrogge el cual basó su financiamiento en Kickstarter, una comunidad en donde uno puede buscar patrocinio para diferentes proyectos. En una ocasión escuché hablar al Profesor Gafapasta sobre El Cosmonauta, un cómic . Seguramente de ahí se derivó el corto de arriba, aunque en España haya un proyecto similar. Al igual que su contraparte estadounidense, la producción de El Cosmonauta se encuentra financiada por el crowfunding y cimentada en una licencia de Creative Commons.

LSD Virtual

Si este fin de semana les ha parecido largo (porque ya se gastaron gran parte de su presupuesto desde el día 15), pueden perder el resto de la tarde mirando de a ratos la hipnótica imagen que acompaña a esta entrada y luego ver en otra dirección, así podrán sentir efímeramente lo que se siente el LSD sin necesidad de buscar a su dealer. t

Fuegos Pirotecnicos en el Grito de Independencia de Ciudad Juarez [46 Imagenes]

Pueden jugar en Picasa con más opciones (como el zoom) al dar click a las imágenes.


¿Foto sin contexto? Aparentemente habrá una mesa en Londres la próxima semana respecto a los libros y su cultura 'pirata'. Where does the creative act lie in the process of copying? Cultural piracy is pervading publishing worldwide, but what makes these new forms original and what issues are raised? Participants include artist Andrea Francke, initiator of The Piracy Project; Eva Weinmayr, Co-director of AND Publishing; Kenneth Goldsmith, founder, UbuWeb; and Nick Thurston, Editor of information as material. September 24, 2011, 2.30pm Whitechapel Gallery, London Enlace:

Mi Wallpaper

Hattie Watson.

El Libro en Alemania

En Alemania prospera la industria del libro. ¿Cómo? Valoran el peso simbólico de cultura que se encuentra en éstos y los tasan de acorde a ello. One thing you will not find on the shelves at German bookshops, large or small, is that mainstay of big American bookstores – signs announcing steep discounts on current bestsellers. That’s because the cost of all new books in Germany is strictly regulated by something called the Buchpreisbindung , a uniform pricing policy that was adopted voluntarily by booksellers in 1888 and became national law in 2002. By forcing all stores and on-line vendors to sell new titles at the same price, the law is, obviously, a boon to small stores that can’t compete with the volume purchasing of the big chains and online giants like and “The idea [of the Buchpreisbindung ] was to eliminate price competition in order to promote the sale of little-known books,” says Simone Thelen , spokeswoman for the Mayersche chain, which was found...

Immune System, Loaded With Remade T-cells, Vanquishes Cancer

PHILADELPHIA — A year ago, when chemotherapy stopped working against his leukemia, William Ludwig signed up to be the first patient treated in a bold experiment at the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Ludwig, then 65, a retired corrections officer from Bridgeton, N.J., felt his life draining away and thought he had nothing to lose. Doctors removed a billion of his T-cells — a type of white blood cell that fights viruses and tumors — and gave them new genes that would program the cells to attack his cancer. Then the altered cells were dripped back into Mr. Ludwig’s veins. At first, nothing happened. But after 10 days, hell broke loose in his hospital room. He began shaking with chills. His temperature shot up. His blood pressure shot down. He became so ill that doctors moved him into intensive care and warned that he might die. His family gathered at the hospital, fearing the worst. A few weeks later, the fevers were gone. And so was the leukemia. There was no trace of it anywhere — no l...


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