Dos cosas: 1. Bienvenido, Fake (en Amazon) Los productos clones (que pertenecerían mejor en el ecosistema de Alibaba) inundan Amazon . Because there are rarely consequences for selling fakes, beyond a seller disappearing from a site, the seller can just reestablish its presence to continue to move its inventory. “Once they’re off, they come back under a different brand and name,” Hirsch said. He laments not just the loss of customers but the danger posed by fakes. 2. Hay una explosión de marcas en Amazon con nombres como BSTOEM, MAJCF y UGBDER . Una sopa de letras lanzada al azar These “pseudo-brands,” as some Amazon sellers call them, represent a large and growing portion of the company’s business. These thousands of new product lines, launched onto Amazon by third party sellers with minimal conventional marketing, stocking the site with disparate categories of goods, many evaporating as quickly as they appeared, are challenging what it means to be a brand.