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The Boys - Season 2

 Rescato estas líneas de la segunda temporada de The Boys: Related: Hice un chiste del siguiente diálogo que incluso lo vieron en Tercera Vía: Mejor tapete ever:

Jay Sebring

  Desde la infancia, tengo clavada muy claramente la distinción entre barbero, peluquero, y estilista. También empezaba a existir las estéticas unisex. Hoy me entero que esto se le debe a Jay Sebring, un diseñador que abarcó desde el estilo "messy" de Jim Morrison hasta el estilo "suave" del Rat Pack. Link:  Jay Sebring Is the Godfather of Men's Hairstyling. So Why Haven't You Heard of Him? [Esquire]

Suéteres 2020 son nostalgia

  Antes tenía la idea de que la moda era algo cíclico. Que se repetía cada 20 años.  A partir de este siglo, las modas son más caprichosas, y no siguen ese patrón de tiempo. Ahora en los 20s, la moda de regreso sería lo emo. Pero qué acaso no se ha ido con las e-girls? Los suéteres que aparecen en Esquire son un throwback a la infancia. Todo esos patrones me recuerdan prendas de hace 40 años.  No es que se regrese a un ciclo de 40 años atrás. Es nostalgia como marketing.


  Desde ayer había abierto Blogger para intentar escribir algo. Tardé un día en subir esta imagen que ya había compartido en otro lado.  Esto es la Ética de Baruch Spinoza. En los últimos meses he leído fragmento de Plotino y un libro de Boecio. Creo que la filosofía sobre el tiempo es uno de los mejores pasatiempo en esta pandemia.  "Cuanto más realidad o ser tiene una cosa, tantos más atributos le competen". Leo esto y me da un golpe de Ser.  El ser es un racimos de signos , diríamos en términos contemporáneos. El ser es un racimo de atributos.   

La transformación de la Literatura por la influenza española

Hay una bibliografia muy interesante sobre la intersección del modernismo angloamericano y la epidemia de influenza alrededor de los años de 1918-1919. If you are interested in pandemic literature, there’s a lot of great things. I think Katherine Anne Porter’s novella Pale Horse, Pale Rider is one of the best pieces of literature we have specifically on the 1918 pandemic. It’s absolutely terrific. William Maxwell’s They Came Like Swallows is a short, beautiful, elegiac novel about the 1918 pandemic. It’s quite sad but it’s really beautiful. I think reading things like W.B. Yeats’ “The Second Coming” or Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway or T.S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land”—these are difficult texts, but this is a moment where you could see that they do match our mood. Link:  The 1918 Flu Pandemic Changed Literature More Than You Think

El origen del N95 es un bra

La forma del cubrebocas por excelencia del coronavirus asemeja un brasiere. Todo el mundo lo ve, intuitivamente. Es correcta esa observación. Like most nondescript and pervasive products, not many people stop to think about where it came from. Now, owing to the attention placed on it as a key tool in the health care professional’s fight against coronavirus, the woman behind the mask has come to the forefront. Her name is Sara Little Turnbull, and she designed what would become the N95 based on the shape of a bra cup. Link: Remembering Sara Little Turnbull, Whose Bra Cup Design Became the N95 Mask

Kylie no es billonaria

Kylie Jenner ha afirmado en los últimos años que es billonaria gracias a su negocio de maquillaje. De acuerdo a nueva información, no está cerca. Infló sus estados financieros. Confundió finanzas con entretenimiento. Based on this new information—plus the impact of Covid-19 on beauty stocks and consumer spending—Forbes now thinks that Kylie Jenner, even after pocketing an estimated $340 million after taxes from the sale, is not a billionaire. Link: Inside Kylie Jenner’s Web Of Lies—And Why She’s No Longer A Billionaire

Las lecciones de Mongolia, Senegal, Ghana y Cuba contra el Covid-19

Mongolia registra cero muertes por Covid-19 Mongolia has had the best COVID-19 response in the world. Not only do they have zero deaths, they have zero local transmissions. Mongolia didn’t flatten the curve or crush the curve — they were just like ‘fuck curves’. In Mongolia, there simply wasn't an epidemic at all. And no, they didn’t just get lucky. Starting in January, Mongolia executed a perfect public health response, and they have never let up the pressure since. COVID-19 did not just leave Mongolia alone. Mongolia kicked its ass. [ Link ] La situación en Ghana y Senegal Ghana, with a population of 30 million, has a similar death toll to Senegal, partly because of an extensive system of contact tracing, utilising a large number of community health workers and volunteers, and other innovative techniques such as “pool testing”, in which multiple blood samples are tested and then followed up as individual tests only if a positive result is found. The advantages in this approach a...

Los cubrebocas de Ai Weiwei

Inspired by a documentary he’s making about COVID-19, the artist decided to create an entire collection after printing his iconic middle finger onto one of the disposable cloths. “An individual wearing a mask makes a gesture; a society wearing masks combats a deadly virus. And a society that wears masks because of the choices of individuals, rather than because of the directive of authorities, can defy and withstand any force. No will is too small and no act too helpless,” he writes on Instagram. While masks have become a ubiquitous symbol for the COVID-19 crisis, many of the inky renderings hearken back to Ai’s ongoing commitment to humanitarian efforts. Link:  Ai Weiwei Has Designed Face Masks to Raise Funds for COVID-19 Relief

Grammy Latino 2020, tú tienes la culpa de esto

El último día de mayo es la fecha límite para lanzar producciones y ser considerado al Grammy Latino.  Nuevos lanzamientos: Anuel, Carlos Vives, Kany García, Ricardo Arjona (!!!), Alaina Castillo, Enrique Bunbury, Mala Rodríguez, y literalmente un largo etcétera.   Link:  Every Latin Album Release in May: Ricardo Arjona, Kany Garcia, Christian Nodal & More

Cómo ataca el coronavirus al cuerpo

Today, there is widespread recognition the novel coronavirus is far more unpredictable than a simple respiratory virus. Often it attacks the lungs, but it can also strike anywhere from the brain to the toes. Many doctors are focused on treating the inflammatory reactions it triggers and its capacity to cause blood clots, even as they struggle to help patients breathe. Learning about a new disease on the fly, with more than 78,000 U.S. deaths attributed to the pandemic, they have little solid research to guide them. The World Health Organization’s database already lists more than 14,600 papers on covid-19. Even the world’s premier public health agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, have constantly altered their advice to keep pace with new developments.  Link:  Doctors keep discovering new ways the coronavirus attacks the body

Origen de la palabra gripe

Este hilo de Twitter me hizo pensar que he utilizado la palabra gripe, heredada de mis padres y abuelos. El vocablo al parecer se refería a la fiebre española. THREAD: This weekend, a relative shared with me two pages of a letter that describes the Spanish flu (aka “grippe”) as it affected our family in Fresno in Nov 1918. This is a letter from my great-great-grandfather, Sidney Forward Hadsell, to my great-grandfather, Dan Hadsell. THREAD: This weekend, a relative shared with me two pages of a letter that describes the Spanish flu (aka “grippe”) as it affected our family in Fresno in Nov 1918. This is a letter from my great-great-grandfather, Sidney Forward Hadsell, to my great-grandfather, Dan Hadsell. — Cyrus Farivar (@cfarivar) May 4, 2020 Link: Twitter

El coronavirus es polio

The long-term illnesses that can follow viral infections can be devastating — and are devastatingly common. In 2015, the nation’s top medical advisory body, the Institute of Medicine, estimated that between 800,000 and 2.5 million U.S. residents live with the illness or illnesses awkwardly named myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). An estimated three-quarters of these cases were triggered by viral or bacterial infections. Now, as a new pandemic virus is burning through the world and causing many deaths, researchers are raising alarms that the novel coronavirus and the covid-19 disease it causes will also leave in its wake a potentially large population with post-viral problems that could be lifelong and, in some cases, disabling. Link:  Researchers warn covid-19 could cause debilitating long-term illness in some patients

Dos observaciones sobre Steve Buscemi

Sobre la cuarentena: When Buscemi calls me from his home a few weeks later, the world around us is completely altered by the pandemic. Well, mostly. “It doesn't feel that much different from what I do when I'm not working,” he admits. “Except that I would usually go out more.” Sobre el duelo:  In grieving, Buscemi has had days when he feels like he's underwater and doesn't want to be comforted. Other days when he's immensely grateful to have friends and family to lean on for support. Last fall, when he had to fly to Prague to film something after Andres died, he was racked with anxiety about being so far from home. The process is anything but linear. I ask him how he's weathering it now, with so much uncertainty swirling around us. “It's been over a year now since Jo passed, and I'm just starting to feel lighter,” he says. “It is very strange that, oh, now this is happening. If it was another personal thing, I think that would be really hard. “But the fa...

La biodiversidad del mar profundo

Un elemento fascinante de la vida ultramarina, aquella que habita en las profundidades de los mares, es que antes de ver estos videos la humanidad no había tenido contacto con estas formas de vida.   Link:  Deep-Sea Exploration in the Ningaloo Canyons Unveils Gripping Footage of Undiscovered Aquatic Life

El error de China

A un nivel antropológico tipo Armas, gérmenes y acero , China desperdició una gran oportunidad para convertirse en el nuevo líder global.  Link:  China Blew a Chance at Global Leadership Responding to Covid-19

Rápido y Furioso, orden canónico

No soy un gran fanático de la saga de Rápido y Furioso a pesar de haber disfrutado mucho la de Hobbs and Shaw (ante todo por la estética de Errolson Hugh). Consigno la siguiente información: hay un orden específico para ver todas las películas de Fast and Furious. Hay dos que desconocía. Link:  You've been watching the 'Fast and Furious' movies all wrong — here's the right order

Los relojes (baratos) de las celebridades

Luego de la Gran Recesión de la década cero, se viene la Gran Recuperación tras la parálisis de la actividad económica mundial por la contingencia del coronavirus. Más allá de situaciones económicas, grandes figura de la cultura contemporánea como Steve Jobs, Barack Obama, John Mayer, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tyler, the Creator, entre otros, han recurrido a piezas accesibles en cuestión de relojes. A partir de esto se puede construir un estilo. O dar una idea. Link:  These Are the Affordable Watches Celebrities Love

How I'm Feeling Now - Charli XCX

Hasta el año pasado Charli XCX tardó seis años en sacar su tercer disco. Su cuarta producción la lanzó esta cuarentena. Entre un álbum y otro pasaron unos cuantos meses.  Link:  Charli XCX Captures the Weird Intimacy of Quarantine

Jack Kerouac, inédito

Esta es una serie fotográfica poco conocida del escritor Jack Kerouac. El fotógrafo a cargo fue Burt Goldblatt, diseñador de varias portadas de álbumes muy influyentes en el jazz como Billie Holiday, Charles Mingus, y otros. Circa 1959. Rarely seen color photographs of Jack Kerouac, by Burt Goldblatt, designer of many influential jazz album covers by Billie Holiday, Charles Mingus, and others. Circa 1959. — Steve Silberman (@stevesilberman) May 21, 2020

El grito de Munch se diluye

Algo que Edvard Munch no consideró para su famosa pintura de El Grito fue conseguir pigmentos de mayor calidad. Un siglo después el público ha ido diluyendo la pintura con su propia respiración.  “It turned out that rather than use pure cadmium sulphide as he should have done, apparently he also used a dirty version, a not very clean version that contained chlorides,” Koen Janssens, a professor at the University of Antwerp who worked on the study, told the Guardian. “I don’t think it was an intentional use–I think he just bought a not very high level of paint. This is 1910 and at that point the chemical industry producing the chemical pigments is there but it doesn’t mean they have the quality control of today.” Link:  Munch’s ‘Scream’ Is Fading Because of Viewers’ Breath, New Study Finds

La diferencia que hace un millón de N95

En una pandemia, la cifra debe ronda el billón de piezas.  On April 2, the New England Patriots’ team plane left China with mundane but suddenly precious cargo: 1.2 million N95 respirators, a critical type of mask that protects health-care workers treating patients who have infectious diseases. Was that a big stash? In normal, pre-covid-19 times, the answer would be yes. Most hospitals buy just a few thousand N95s per year, according to a company that negotiates purchasing contracts. In the frenzied weeks of March and April, when the trickle of covid-19 patients suddenly grew into a deluge, the answer was a hard no. Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary Robert Kadlec had testified in February that the United States would need 3.5 billion N95s in a serious pandemic. By March, hospitals in areas with large outbreaks reported burning through the one-time-use masks at up to 10 times their normal rates. Now in mid-May, as emergency supply lines have begun to kick in and reuse of...

El telescopio Hubble y sus imágenes

Hay un nuevo libro por la editorial Taschen sobre el telescopio Hubble, que este 2020 cumple 30 años en funcionamiento.  Launched in April 1990, the telescope sits above the Earth’s rainclouds and polluted skies, which allows it to capture an unobstructed view of distant stars, galaxies, and planets that make up the rich tapestry of our solar system. Alongside the arresting images, the book features texts that unravel some of the most compelling questions of space and time, including words by photography critic Owen Edwards, Hubble astronauts Charles F. Bolden, Jr., John Mace Grunsfeld, and Zoltan Levay. La publicación, titulada Expanding Universe: The Hubble Space Telescope , cuenta con 30 imágenes inéditas. Link: Explore 30 Years of Arresting Images Captured by the Hubble Space Telescope in a New Book

Creatividad en la edad de la cuarentena

Empecé leyendo esto como una pieza suelta de la actriz Julia Fox pero terminé toda la serie.  One night, “I saw a bunch of guys trying to break into an ATM,” she says. “I was like, ‘Wow, this is really fucking anarchy. No one gives a fuck.’ So every time I go out, I bring my mace with me.” Link:  Creativity in the Time of Quarantine

La explosión del Monte Saint Helens, 40 años después

En Twitter hay un breve hilo sobre la explosión del monte Santa Helena, ocurrida hace 40 años.  Este monte se encuentra ubicado en el estado de Washington, en el Pacífico Noroeste de Estados Unidos. 40 years ago, May 18th 1980. Mt. Saint Helens erupted, and NOAA's GOES-3 visible captured it. #MtStHelens — BJ Marraccini (@bjmarra) May 18, 2020

Olas en acuario virtual de Seúl

Designed by District, the elevated tank is actually a massive anamorphic illusion. The digital media company created the public project utilizing the world’s largest advertising screen that spans 80.1 x 20.1 meters. As shown in the video, the deceptive aquarium looms over the outdoor area and splashes repeatedly into the side. Link:  A Massive Wave Crashes in a Seoul Aquarium as Part of the World’s Largest Anamorphic Illusion

New blog post

"Of Apathy & Absence" Like the summer of 1977, the election was our Star Wars, Obama was our New Hope. Practically all my friends and neighbors could talk about was  CHANGE - that was our drop into hyperspace.  The optimism had faded into something less exuberant, more realistic, by 2012, and honestly I don’t remember anything about that vote, although again, I know I voted - I know because I was afraid Mittens would win. And by afraid, I mean worried. 2016 was the first election in my life in which I was physically afraid. Link:  Of Apathy & Absence

La vida que florece sin el Sol

La fotosíntesis es extremadamente sencilla y eficiente. No obstante, también existe la vida dependiente de la radiolisis. That is, it’s possible that life might have gotten its start on the surface of the Earth, where it found creative ways to survive and spread, including to deeper environments. But it’s also possible that life began underground, at some fortuitous juncture between rock and water — eventually also making its way to the surface and figuring out how to harness the sun’s energy. (On that note, photosynthesis-dependent surface life and radiolysis-dependent subsurface life have so far been found to have an ancient, shared ancestry — but some researchers are intrigued by the possibility that life could have evolved more than once on Earth, in a “second genesis.”) Link:  Inside Deep Undersea Rocks, Life Thrives Without the Sun


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Guía para comer sano

Cada uno de los siguientes puntos tiene una explicación más amplia en el artículo: • No hay una dieta perfecta. • Come más frutas y vegetales • Ingiere suficiente proteína • Menos azúcar y alimentos procesados • Simplifica el proceso de comer sano • Solo cuenta las calorías si realmente quieres o necesitas hacerlo • No cambies todo a la vez Link:  How to Eat Healthy

Historias de sexo en cuarentena

Dos cosas que he sacado de esta cuarentena ha sido que obtuve mi cuenta verificada en Tinder; lo otro, es una situación muy sexosa. En Jezebel recopilan una serie de relatos de lo que han arriesgado algunos por sexo durante esta cuarentena.  He was extremely nervous, but not about Covid. He talked a lot about his ex girlfriend, who apparently moved out/left him after 3 years while he was out of town one weekend. Like, she just left him a note saying “we’re over and you’ll never see me again.” I felt sorry for him, but also wondered why she felt she had to do it that way; was he fucked up or abusive or something? We had sex a couple times, and it was fine. I didn’t get off. He kept saying “fucking goddamn you, [name]” while he was fucking me, which I didn’t really understand. I got my period immediately after our second session, and I didn’t have a tampon, so he drove me home. The next day, I asked him if he was down to hang out again later in the week, and he responded by saying he...

Nuevos newsletters

you have to understand that i am going to just write absolutely random shit that doesn’t mean anything in a spirit of total self-amusement. Link: Newsletter de Paul Ford


“I would rather be with the people of this town than with the finest people in the world.” Fred Willard, RIP. Link: Twitter

Los rusos son mexicanos

Esto podría ser México. Russians are running out of money after six weeks of lockdown and minimal government support, adding to pressure that pushed President Vladimir Putin to start reopening the economy even as total infections surged to the second-highest in the world. Almost half of Russians have either no savings or just enough to cover them for four weeks, according to a new survey. Link:  Russians Struggling to Survive Add Pressure to End Lockdown